Thursday, April 28, 2005

my brother at macau tower. Posted by Hello

bluetooth setting for connect to sharp gz100 Posted by Hello

Sharp gz100 connect to pc via bluetooth(gx15 handset manager) Posted by Hello
Today, i found a information about sharp gz100 connect to pc via bluetooth.
the software gz15 handset manager , i download it from
i use a bluetooth dongle. a few month ago, gz100 can connect to pc via bluetooth. but now, i is fail. after i update mycomputer. if you install bluetooth dongle , a bluetooth icon will appear in tray bar. use it to connect to gz100 at first. and then, you will get some inforation in com port connection tab. use the com port num in gx15 handset manager. after u key in the right com port. your software will connect to gz15 right now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

a good movie Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005

basketball player in a comic book

basketball picture Posted by Hello

HP IPAQ 6515 Posted by Hello
i like it. is it very powerful. if i have more money, i will buy it to replace my cell phone & ipaq 2210.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

use gaim replace all my account at msn messager,icq,yahoo messager Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

tom,ray,in,per,van watch movie Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2200 Series SDIO Driver Update

Limits the power consumption a SDIO card or peripheral can draw during standby or sleep mode.
Fixes SD Card initialization issue.

update my hp ipaq 2210 rom to 1.10

today, i updated my hp ipaq 2210 rom to version 1.10

Important Note!
This update utility is designed to replace the current ROM image and erase the partnership and all user data and programs on your iPAQ Pocket PC. It is important for you to read and understand the information in the Readme file included with this update. NOTE: Do not perform the ROM Update through a USB hub. This may cause your host PC to receive a General Protection Fault, thus force a reboot of the Host PC upon completion of the ROM Update. Users updating their ROM through a serial connection and their Host PC's operating system is Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP could receive a "Connection Error" during the Update. Simply, follow the on screen instructions and try again. If the problem persists, unplug your serial connection and update through a direct connection to you Host PC's USB port.
Corrects the Sleep Mode SD power drain.
Updates the BlueTooth driver to resolve Bluetooth lockup issue.
Corrects iPAQ Backup shutdown after 10 seconds when a backup is scheduled.
Connectivity: Connectivity bubble displays GPRS status correctly when connected through proxy
Connectivity: JavaScript event handler fires correctly
Connectivity: pIE correctly encodes URLs with "&lang" references
Contacts: Removes duplicate radio telephone number from Contacts List view
Inbox: Short messages are not duplicated
Inbox: SMS messages with alphanumeric address are parsed correctly
Localization: Errant character no longer inserted by Action button on KOR
Settings: Device properly returns to power off state after an alarm has fired
Adds Self-test.
Adds support for the Extended Battery.
Adds Support for "Wake on Ring" (NOTE: this requires 3rd party software to function)
Connectivity: Accept header for pIE is configurable
Connectivity: Can connect with 802.1x to Windows 2003 Server with PEAP fast reconnect enabled
Connectivity: pIE uses cached pages when offline even for a local server
Connectivity: Improves wireless technologies
Contacts: Contacts are sorted according to the Country selected in Regional Settings
Feature request: Wireless Protected Access
Inbox: Clarification of location of SMS inbox
Instant Messenger: IM signs in
Localization: Ability to enter full IP address for DNS entry in Spanish
Localization: Able to save contacts with Far East characters in both first and last name
Localization: Can use partial Cyrillic name to find contacts
Localization: KOR keyboard allows for the ‘~’ character
Settings: CHT owner info can be shown on power-on
Shell: Alarms and meeting reminders use high-quality MIDI playback
Shell: Improves data integrity when file system is nearly full
Sync: Improves USB reliability

Saturday, April 02, 2005


29吋*15.5吋*15.5吋 = 6967.25
6967.25吋/62 = 112.375公升

Friday, April 01, 2005

improve vmware for linux

this document download from

Linux Guest Operating System Performance Tips
This section offers advice for configuring a Linux guest operating system for better performance inside a VMware Workstation virtual machine.
Note: This document pertains to the guest operating system that is running inside a VMware Workstation virtual machine. It does not describe actions that should be taken on Linux running on the host.
Guest Operating System Selection
Make certain you have selected the correct guest operating system in the Virtual Machine Control Panel - Edit > Virtual Machine Settings > Options.
VMware Tools
Make certain VMware Tools is installed. VMware Tools provides an optimized SVGA driver and sets up the VMware Tools service to run automatically when the system starts. Among other things, the VMware Tools service allows you to synchronize the virtual machine's clock with the host computer's clock, which can improve performance for some functions. You can install VMware Tools by choosing File > Install VMware Tools.
Disconnect CD-ROM and /dev/rtc
Using the Edit > Removable Devices menu, disconnect your CD-ROM drive if you do not need to use it. If you are using a Linux host, also disconnect /dev/rtc. Disconnecting these devices reduces CPU usage.
Note: The time synchronization feature in VMware Tools does not rely on /dev/rtc.
Install in Text Mode
When you are installing your Linux guest operating system, use the text-mode installer instead of the graphical installer if you have a choice. This makes the installation process faster.
If you do use a graphical installer and if you are using a Linux host computer, try to run VMware Workstation in full screen mode during the installation.
Full Screen Mode
Run your virtual machine in full screen mode. Click the Full Screen button on the VMware Workstation toolbar.