my brother at macau tower.

this document download from http://www.vmware.com/support/ws4/doc/performance_guest_ws.html
Linux Guest Operating System Performance Tips
This section offers advice for configuring a Linux guest operating system for better performance inside a VMware Workstation virtual machine.
Note: This document pertains to the guest operating system that is running inside a VMware Workstation virtual machine. It does not describe actions that should be taken on Linux running on the host.
Guest Operating System Selection
Make certain you have selected the correct guest operating system in the Virtual Machine Control Panel - Edit > Virtual Machine Settings > Options.
VMware Tools
Make certain VMware Tools is installed. VMware Tools provides an optimized SVGA driver and sets up the VMware Tools service to run automatically when the system starts. Among other things, the VMware Tools service allows you to synchronize the virtual machine's clock with the host computer's clock, which can improve performance for some functions. You can install VMware Tools by choosing File > Install VMware Tools.
Disconnect CD-ROM and /dev/rtc
Using the Edit > Removable Devices menu, disconnect your CD-ROM drive if you do not need to use it. If you are using a Linux host, also disconnect /dev/rtc. Disconnecting these devices reduces CPU usage.
Note: The time synchronization feature in VMware Tools does not rely on /dev/rtc.
Install in Text Mode
When you are installing your Linux guest operating system, use the text-mode installer instead of the graphical installer if you have a choice. This makes the installation process faster.
If you do use a graphical installer and if you are using a Linux host computer, try to run VMware Workstation in full screen mode during the installation.
Full Screen Mode
Run your virtual machine in full screen mode. Click the Full Screen button on the VMware Workstation toolbar.