Wednesday, June 08, 2005

my pocket pc can not sync

after i installed activesync 4.0 to test.
a few days is go. it can not sync the outlook info to ppc.
because of the partnership auto to be a guest.

how to solute ?

ok. i tried to reinstall activesync 3.8 and 4.0 more times. but failed.
after that, i have reset my ppc and restore all file. now, i can sync again.
i think, i have delete some file in ppc that control the sync partnership. but ,
i can not found which file or how to control that in ppc.

delete file in \windows\fonts at pocketpc

i download a "total remote" pocketpc software to test and try.
after i tested to remote control my sony tv. i want to unstall the software "total remote".
it tell me that i can not uninstall because of a font in \windows\fonts. i tried to delete it by explorer. but failed.

use resco explorer to rename the font from ttf to 123.
soft restart ppc
and delete the font
and uninstall the software.

i use it method to uninstall another game "uno"