Thursday, June 15, 2006

pforce 倉頡查碼

Summary: pForce Whichkey for chinese to know which code for chinese input in cangjie code. you can use pocketpc to input a chinese word and whichkey will tell you the cangjie code.
Requirements: pocket pc 2003 and later system

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006

sell pforce stock monitor 1.0.0

pForce Stock Monitor is a powerful and complete stock portfolio monitor for the Pocket PC platform that will keep your stocks infomation up-to-date with the latest stock quotes information every time you connect to internet and update it. Stock Monitor does much more than retrieving the current stock prices, it also retrieves the day's high, low, change, bid, ask and volume. Stock Monitor supports the stock exchanges form the following countries: US, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan...

if you buy it, just send me an e-mail,
i will send the registery key for you at onoce.

if you have not registery key,
it just update 10 stocks info and free use for you.
