Tuesday, December 04, 2007


找到pencil sharpener...
讀了這麼多年書,連pencil sharpener都沒讀過,或許讀過了


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


just use resco registry to search IsSIPInputMethod individually

change the value from 1 to 0

you can turn off the undesired input method

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007

simple upgrade fc6 to fc7

just download fedora-release-7-3.noarch.rpm & fedora-release-notes-7.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
and install them

and then
yum upgrade

simple & easy...

how to upgrade fc6 to fc7

1. download some rpm from fedora.redhat.com
2. install fedora-release-7-3.noarch.rpm & fedora-release-notes-7.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh fedora-release-*Preparing...

3 . upgrade yum & python,python-lib
rpm -Uvh yum-3.2 yum-metadata --nodeps

4..install new rpm

5.. intstall python-urlgrabber-2.9.9-5.fc7.noarch.rpm

6.. yum update yum

7...yum install kernel

8. yum upgrade

9. restart...

10. done.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


很久很久以前, 買了一台pc($4000),是intel 386sx-20mhz的,有一個黑白monitor,一台大磁碟機,一台3.5"磁碟機,一個keyboard,冇mouse,1M的memory,case連火牛,內有一張顯示卡(叫dual卡,二色,黑白),一張IO卡(有printer port,serial port),一張ide卡(可接floppy及hdd,但沒有hdd)...花了很多暑期工錢,寒假工錢,及補習錢(幫人補習賺錢)...很心愛,第一個星期就自己解剖了三次...當時最愛玩的是三國演義這個game.
後來,買了mouse($300),又買了modem($500),又買300M的hdd($3300),又買vga monitor($3000)...

Friday, February 09, 2007

6828 按鍵

長按綠鍵->start menu

長按綠鍵->hand free

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 Beta 2

Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 Beta 2
Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 Beta 2 is a new software release for Windows Mobile powered devices. ActiveSync provides a great synchronization experience with Windows-powered PCs and Microsoft Outlook.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Fedora 7

Fedora 7
Fedora 7 will be the next release of Fedora. It is highlighted by the elimination of the distinction between Fedora Core and Fedora Extras entirely; there is only Fedora.
The schedule for Fedora 7 is as follows:

23 January 2007
F7 Test1 development freeze
30 January 2007
F7 Test1 Release
20 February 2007
F7 FEATURE freeze
F7 string freeze
F7 Test2 development freeze
27 February 2007
F7 Test2 release
19 March 2007
F7 translation freeze
F7 Test3 development freeze
26 March 2007
F7 Test 3 Release
Continual freeze. Only critical bugs fixed
5 April 2007
Final devel freeze.
26 April 2007
F7 General Availability