Tuesday, April 29, 2008

怪獸輸入法 V6.0



macau geoguide 2008

昨天小朋友問我路, 說了一整個小時, 她都不知道如何走, 今天為她準備一個軟件,以後,就不用問我了...

掌中澳 v2.01

spb mobile shell upgrade to 2.1


PaperAgenda for my son to draw image

Thursday, April 24, 2008

isilo 5.1 for read ebook

install isilo 5.1 in my ipaq 6828
wm 6.1

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

hp ipaq 6282 / atom rom

after upgrade to wm6.1 using atom rom

the hard reset of my 6828

press power button + hole
select green button + red button

upgrade my hp ipaq 6828 to wm6.1

upgrade my hp ipaq 6828 to wm6.1

use this website info

i use b92 rom