Thursday, March 31, 2005

Remote Keyboard for Pocket PC

Remote Keyboard is a program that connects PC keyboard and mouse to your Pocket PC over ActiveSync connection or TCP/IP network. It works as a Soft Input Panel (SIP), also called input method, along with Keyboard, Letter Recognizer or Transcriber in Pocket PC devices.
Pocket PC Connector, one of the components, works on PC side to redirect keyboard and mouse inputs to Pocket PCs.
Using PC keyboard and mouse to entry data to your Pocket PC has never been easier. Just switch on Remote Keyboard from the corner of the screen, run Pocket PC Connector in PC then you are in business.
While using Remote Keyboard, clipboard data from PC will be sent to your Pocket PC in real time.
Remote Keyboard has been tested on wireless connected Pocket PCs (Wi-Fi or Pocket PC Phone Edition). With the feature to auto-search for peers on LAN networks, you will be ready to use keyboard from any PC in no time (within corporate or home network environments).
Remote Keyboard supports non-windows machines to connect via telnet protocol. You can use Linux or Unix workstation keyboard too.
It is fast that your mouse pointer moves smoothly on Pocket PC screen, and your key inputs appear instantly.
Remote Keyboard is a freeware.
Remote Keyboard for PC to PPC Posted by Hello

8.7 Posted by Hello

yum -y update Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

fedora core 3

there is not enough disk space for my fc3 in vmware.

i followed the below command to expend the disk size, but mission fail.

because i have not init1 * umount the lvm....

i need to reinstall fc3 in vmware

!!!注意!!!今のところsnapshot機能はまともに動きません。最悪復旧できなくなる恐れがあるので、テスト目的以外では使わない方がいいです。 # /sbin/lvm help
たとえばLogVol01に割りあてられている/homeをリサイズして10G増やすには、以下のようにすればOKです。 # init 1 # umount /home # /sbin/lvm lvextend -L+10G /dev/Volume00/LogVol01 # /sbin/e2fsck -f /dev/Volume00/LogVol01 # /sbin/resize2fs /dev/Volume00/LogVol01
また、メタデータの形式をLVM2に移行する場合は、 # /sbin/lvm vgconvert -M2 Volume00

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

using vmware-vdiskmanager to expand the size of an existing virtual disk

using vmare-vdiskmanger to expand the size of an existing linux vitrual disk
vmare-vdiskmanger installed at vmware-workstation folder.

Expand the Size of an Existing Virtual Disk
To expand the size of a virtual disk, use a command like the following:
vmware-vdiskmanager -x 40GB myDisk.vmdk
This increases the maximum capacity of the virtual disk to 40GB.

Microsoft Reader for Pocket PC

Get carried away with eBooks
March 24, 2005: Pocket PC users, please note that the new version of Microsoft Reader for Pocket PC (version 2.4) posted today is a bug fix release primarily intended for users of devices running Windows Mobile 2003 and Windows Mobile 2003, Second Edition. While this version will run on all supported Pocket PC devices, we are only recommending that users of devices running these operating systems upgrade. Upgrading will not require reactivation of your Pocket PC device.
Now you can get more from your eBooks on your Pocket PC device. This version includes updates for known performance issues, and adds exciting new features:
Pan and zoom capabilities for embedded graphics
Screen rotation capability between portrait and landscape modes for more natural, comfortable reading (Windows Mobile 2003, Second Edition devices only)
Read more about the new features.

Konfabulator 1.8.3 for windows xp Posted by Hello

Monday, March 28, 2005

using vmware 5.0 to install fc3

today, i updated vmware 4.5 to 5.0.
running yum to update fc3

vmware Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 19, 2005

i use egress to download some rss resource. it is a very good rss reader for me.
i can read chinese and english in this rss viewer. that is ok.
egress rss reader Posted by Hello

fish Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Egress Posted by Hello

I tried use Egress to read RSS news.
it is powerfull.

Application Description
Now an RSS/RDF feed reader for the PocketPC with the features you've been looking for:
* Supports RSS (.09, .91, .92 and 2.0), RDF (1.0), and ATOM (0.3)
* Supports landscape orientation using PocketPC 2003SE
* Integrates with Today
* Support for Bloglines synchronized channels - NEW in 2.1
* Caches and displays inline images
* Add new channel wizard - NEW in 2.0
* Can cache web pages for later display using PocketIE - NEW in 2.0
* Can download enclosures (Podcasting support) - NEW in 2.0
* Configurable item sort - NEW in 2.0
* Background download of feeds
* Supports HTTP proxies
* Configurable item retention (configurable by channel - NEW in 2.0)
* Configurable news feed storage location
* Configurable fonts and colors
* Supports alternate web browsers
* Supports Radio Userland style automatic subscription (Web page coffee mug icon)
For more information look here

Friday, March 11, 2005

google desktop

google desktop search Posted by Hello

today, i download the tool. it is powerful for me to search document and work sheet in my computer.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

.NET Compact Framework Sample: DateTime Picker with Designtime Support

i use it in my project : mydb

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Release Candidate 2

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Release Candidate 2
On this page you'll find information for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Release Candidate 2(RC2). This version of the software is intended only for installation in a test environment. We advise against installing and evaluating beta software on any production computers.


after a hard reset of my hp ipaq 2210...

I configure activesync and my hp ipaq 2210 too much times. my 2210 can not connection the internet about one month. O... and then, i tried to hardreset it.
ok. it can update the weather and i can use pocketie to browser the internet.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

ActiveSync at company

sometime, i need install software at office. the activesync will pop up and ask about sync or guest for install software. today, i found a good paper for this. i can use the tool and just install software for my ipaq , not need to choise the pop up memu(activesync 3.8).

ok, that is the page

and a tool at the page.