Sunday, March 13, 2005


Egress Posted by Hello

I tried use Egress to read RSS news.
it is powerfull.

Application Description
Now an RSS/RDF feed reader for the PocketPC with the features you've been looking for:
* Supports RSS (.09, .91, .92 and 2.0), RDF (1.0), and ATOM (0.3)
* Supports landscape orientation using PocketPC 2003SE
* Integrates with Today
* Support for Bloglines synchronized channels - NEW in 2.1
* Caches and displays inline images
* Add new channel wizard - NEW in 2.0
* Can cache web pages for later display using PocketIE - NEW in 2.0
* Can download enclosures (Podcasting support) - NEW in 2.0
* Configurable item sort - NEW in 2.0
* Background download of feeds
* Supports HTTP proxies
* Configurable item retention (configurable by channel - NEW in 2.0)
* Configurable news feed storage location
* Configurable fonts and colors
* Supports alternate web browsers
* Supports Radio Userland style automatic subscription (Web page coffee mug icon)
For more information look here

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